Saturday, May 16, 2020

What Central Theme Can Be Found Throughout All The...

1. What central theme(s) can be found in all the literature we read this semester? Throughout the stories from this semester one key interesting theme as an adult was sex. Almost all stories had some type of sexual intercourse. In the website Merriam-Webster sex is define as a physical activity in which people touch each other’s bodies, kiss each other, etc. : physical that is related to and often includes sexual intercourse. Sex its not a excellent essay to write about, but as an adult its being mature and write scenes in order to capture the reader attention. There’s a lot of novels that have sex in it and all of these books in class that I have read they have scenes that resembles sex. â€Å"That is he, Shamhat! Release your clenched†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"She lunged and clutched and managed to catch him in her brutal grip; but his body, for all that, remained unscathed†. (Gummere line 1502) Even thought these story had no sex intercourse thorough the story it still had some physical activity between two people. As in the quote Grendel mother catches Beowulf in their fight as how the author writes it can be said that they had some type of chemistry between them. This story tells a brave person named Beowulf that saves the kingdom and becomes the king. It didn’t mention nothing specific about any sex but anyone as powerful as Beowulf could have any women they wanted. As conclusion it may not be sex a huge theme in this story, but there’s part where it doesn’t say is but it can be concluded. â€Å"Since I twelve years was of age, husbands at church-door have I had five†,( Chaucer, lines 4-6) The Canterbury Tales had a lot of relationships through the story and one of the parts was Dame Alice. Dame Alice was these women that love to have sex no matter with who it was she was an active person. She had been married with five different guys only because she was just capable of having sexual intercourse with anther person. All those outstanding stories brought some casual feelings when reading their stories especially their sexual scenes. 3. Choose one belief or perspective that is presented in the play; explain it and identify two or three instances in the play where that belief is

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