Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Informative Speech An Event Planner - 1149 Words

As an event planner it s your job to come up with event ideas that will keep your participants engaged and your clients coming back for more. That means you have to be different and bring unique ideas to the table, ones that haven t already been done hundreds of times before. But exactly how do you go about coming up with unique ideas that will create a buzz and make your event a memorable one? Well, you have to think outside the box versus copying what everyone else is doing. You have to brainstorm, come up with your own unique twists and beta test them with your team before rolling them out. Here are some ideas you can use to add an interactive entertainment value that will make your event one that everyone will remember. Get The Ball Rolling The only way to keep your attendees in a positive frame of mind from the moment they arrive is to eliminate the need for them to wait in long check-in lines. Therefore, if you want to come across as professional and keep your attendees smiling, we highly recommend you use a check-in tool to eliminate long lines or waiting of any kind. Company Branding for Corporate Event Decor Company branding doesn t mean just handing out coasters and koozies with the company logo on it. You have to make the event bold, memorable and contemporary but not trendy. You have to create an immersive experience that has personality. All corporate branding starts with the decor, which should include every touchpoint from start to finish. That meansShow MoreRelatedMy First Year Of My Life1552 Words   |  7 Pageswas from, and I would say China without hesitation. Being adopted was merely a fun fact about me, like the birthmark on my leg; however, at age seventeen, I started working at Farm Fresh and began dual enrollment at Regent University, and these two events caused me to discover that adoption is a permanent and significant part of one’s identity. 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