Monday, January 6, 2020

College Writing Importance - 1004 Words

The importance of college writing can be easily argued to have zero importance to most. It is really the laziness in me that would try to argue writing is to no importance but I find much greater reasons to support the ideas of writing being a very essential skill. Writing is a skill not every occupation will have thrown at them, but anyone wanting to try to get a higher paying job will come across writing. Knowing how to write college level can only benefit one. Arguing that college level writing to have no importance is like saying we shouldnt expand our knowledge and be more open minded. Knowing that as a student in college we spend most of our time using abbreviations and acronyms when we speak to friends and even family we should†¦show more content†¦The amount of writing we get in a class varies on the teacher teaching the course but most teachers can agree writing increases learning and gives students the chance to organize, express, and communicate their thoughts, id eas, and knowledge. Furthermore, the ability to communicate clearly is essential to later career success (Trafimow, 3). Most students who are attending college have the goal to get a higher paying job. Jobs like doctors, lawyers, or even teachers will have times where writing is an essential predictor on whether they will choose you or the next candidate for that job. Learning to write well can only benefit a student as it will be as it will be required many times throughout college and within any job undergrads plan to work in. According to Writing for learning to Improve Students Comprehension at the college Level by Fahad Alharbi, writing is essential to students because students use a complicated process that requires them to connect their thinking to the content learned (Alharbi, 227), technically, writing helps expand students mind. Students learn a great deal when writing because they create a text that includes ideas with relationships among them (Alharbi, 227). Whether we are writing about an opinion or informing we expand our knowledge with the research we must do to get a well thought out opinion or information. Students will be required to write numerous papersShow MoreRelatedCollege Writing Importance715 Words   |  3 PagesIf you were to ask a group of people if writing in college is important, almost everyone would agree that it is, but it’s the next question that stumps everyone and makes them have to think a little deeper. That question is, why? Why is writing in college so importan t? 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