Sunday, December 29, 2019

I Believe in Sneakers - 524 Words

I Believe in Sneakers It all started with a Jumpman and a swoosh, it was more than just a shoe it was the start of a culture. What most people look at as just a shoe to protect their feet has a story behind it and a deeper meaning to me and many others than â€Å"just a pair of shoes†. Don’t put on a pair of shoes unless you know how to wear them right. For every pair I own I could explain the troubles I went through and the people I met to get each sneaker. The best feeling was opening that fresh shoe box and taking out that paper wrapping. Putting on each new pair of sneakers is like taking a breath of fresh air each pair crisp as bacon. I am one among many sneakerheads, people who love to buy, sell, trade, and collect rare shoes. There is a culture, lifestyle, and history behind sneaker collecting. Most people would think dropping hundreds if not thousands on a pair of shoes is crazy but I believe sneakers are essential. It all started my freshman year in high school when I noticed my friends Jordan’s that he had waited hours outside of a shoe store for. At the time they were some of the coolest shoes I had ever seen, I wanted a pair like that. I took a deeper look into retro Jordan’s and found out that most were really hard to get. You couldn’t just go to your nearest shoe store and just pick up the pair you wanted. You would have to drops hundreds of dollars on a pair that others camped out for or woke up hours early to get on the release of the shoe.Show MoreRelatedECO 365 WEEK 4 presentation paper1403 Words   |  6 Pagesmarket structure your product falls under can help companies develop better competitive strategies and identify potential for loss and gains. The athletic footwear industry in the United States is highly profitable and continuously growing. In this paper I will identify market structure of the athletic footwear industry, the major retailers, and competitive strategies that can be used to maximize profits. History The Athletic shoe industry had its start in 1892 when U.S Rubber company invented Keds andRead MoreNike Shoes : Product Information1296 Words   |  6 Pages11/15/2014 Accounting 102 (online), Professor Erdkamp | Tiffany Ly C02224449 Product Information I. A Summary About Nike II. Why I Chose Nike Footwear for This Project III. Overview of the Manufacturing Process I. A Summary about Nike Nike, Inc. is known worldwide for its exquisite line of footwear, apparel, equipment, and many other various athletic products. This company is the largest and most successful seller of footwear for people of all ages and all types of recreational, athletic andRead MoreNike1194 Words   |  5 Pagesadvantage. In 1971 the name Nike was used on the new line of sneakers (History 7 Heritage). 25 years ago started providing better shoes for competitive athletes with the motto of â€Å"All it will take is a passion for sports, a few good ideas and the will to make it happen† (2010, Peter amp; Olson, p. 97). Discussion Questions There are two market segments of consumers; one that uses the sneakers for athletic activity and the other for casual wear. ConsumersRead MorePaul Milenski - Tickits1309 Words   |  6 Pagesthe theme. Toby is handicapped. I believe he is suffering from arrested development. Tickets are frequently given by the police or other higher authorities to an individual, who breaks the law. Tickets are generally given, when people break the Road Traffic Act or something like that. This is the way a lot of people would describe getting a ticket. But this description does not fit the way Toby writes his tickets. 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Once I retired I still continued to work with the kids. I‘ve doing the camp for almost 40 years It s a real blessing. A proud Frazier said. During Frazier decent up the basketball ladder in Georgia the players from his generationRead MoreTaking a Look at Hip Hop Culture1300 Words   |  5 PagesHip Hop Culture As I was growing up in the late 1970’s, it has always been common knowledge that hip hop music and its culture originated in the South Bronx section of New York City in the early 1970’s. Since this time, hip hop has become a multi-cultural fusion of many different contributions made by several ethnic groups like Caucasians, Asians, blacks, and Hispanics, to name just a few. Hip-hop has definitely exploded within many cultures and subcultures throughout the world and within the pastRead More Opposing School Uniforms Essay examples1684 Words   |  7 Pagesoppose them. People in favor of uniforms support them for several reasons cited in a US Government manual on school uniforms: †¢ decrease in violence and theft—even life threatening situations—among students over designer clothing or expensive sneakers, †¢ prevention of gang members wearing gang colors and insignias at school, †¢ instilling students with discipline, †¢ helping parents and students resist peer pressure to buy expensive clothing, †¢ helping students concentrate on their schoolRead MoreThe World Is Like One Big Marketing Ploy1186 Words   |  5 Pagescreated for the purpose of selling† (Chiat 212) .There is no better way to sell a false life or idea than to have a celebrity sell it for you. Delia Cleveland claims that â€Å"Life as I knew It revolved around a classy facade(217). This is what celebrities are paid to do. The point of celebrity endorsement is to make you believe you can have the life portrayed if you buy whatever product they are advertising. People purchase the fantasy sold but the truth is the product didn’t make you classy or anymoreRead MoreGlobalization Does Not Just Affect Global Economics843 Words   |  4 Pagesbefore. In or to support the family, women started to work. And that is an important reason why most women could work outside freely without judgment and restriction. Economic ability can decide a group’s social class. Before reading â€Å"Global Women†, I think it is a paper about women to have better lives. However, it is not a paper talk about how women increase their social status through earning money for families, but focuses on the issues that women faced while they had to work in a place which

Friday, December 20, 2019

Essay about Familial DNA Searching - 1415 Words

Nowadays, DNA is a crucial component of a crime scene investigation, used to both to identify perpetrators from crime scenes and to determine a suspect’s guilt or innocence (Butler, 2005). The method of constructing a distinctive â€Å"fingerprint† from an individual’s DNA was first described by Alec Jeffreys in 1985. He discovered regions of repetitions of nucleotides inherent in DNA strands that differed from person to person (now known as variable number of tandem repeats, or VNTRs), and developed a technique to adjust the length variation into a definitive identity marker (Butler, 2005). Since then, DNA fingerprinting has been refined to be an indispensible source of evidence, expanded into multiple methods befitting different types of DNA†¦show more content†¦Each person inherits two copies of these markers from his or her mother and father, so a higher similarity denotes a closer biological relationship. The probability of two samples matching is a round one in a billion ( DNA profiles are compiled by using gel or capillary electrophoresis to separate samples into a pattern distinctive of the subject’s DNA based on ionic charge, size, or mobility. Usually, samples in the database are searched at moderate stringency, which requires that all alleles between the two samples match, but the number of alleles can vary, accounting for DNA contamination or degradation. Partial, or candidate, matches are samples that have a similar number of alleles in the forensic profile but are not exact, and are used in familial DNA searching to find close biological relatives of the original forensic profile. Other evidence is used to determine relatives, including Y chromosome analysis, which traces family relationships based on the fact that the Y chromosome is transmitted directly between a father and his sons; age; and geographic location. The process is based on the principle that first-order relatives have closer DNA profiles than unrelated individuals, and also on the sociological assumption that criminal tendencies appear in families; according to â€Å"the Bureau of Justice Statistics Correctional PopulationsShow MoreRelatedForensic Databases Have Grown With Our Advancements In869 Words   |  4 Pagesadvancements in technology that law enforcement uses a forensic DNA database that uses a method called, familial matching. Familial DNA searching looks for partial matches that can not only match the suspect’s DNA, but the suspect’s family line. This is unlike the typical DNA database that law enforcement has used for years. For that DNA database makes an exact match between the suspect of the crime and his or her DNA sample. Familial DNA searches have been found to be beneficial to Police and CriminalRead MoreImagine You Get A Knock On The Door. 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(Hails, 184) Scientific and legal communities seem to universally accept the use of DNA as â€Å"good† evidence. Questions could arise regarding testing procedures. There are several testing methods that have been proven reliable and easily pass general acceptance and scientific validity tests. This is causes number of Daubert cases questioning DNA to decline. â€Å"In most cases, the tests thatRead MoreGenetic Privacy And The Human Genome Project1573 Words   |  7 Pages this issue could be resolved; if all citizens could provide the justice system with samples of their DNA, criminal cases and missing persons cases could be solved at a more efficient rate. Furthermore, if doctors had access to every patient’s genetic information, they could be informed about possible health concerns and family medical history upon a patient’s entry into the hospital. 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This same percentage (94%) of the group also feel as though the public is inadequately educated on DNA and its uses and implications. A little over a half of the sample group is aware of the Human Genome Project, yet 70% of the group would have their genome sequencedRead MoreColorectal Cancer : Cancer And Cancer2998 Words   |  12 Pagesenvironmental factors and genetic component, high fat, low-fiber diet, diet high in red meats, family history of colorectal cancer, male sex, age, alcohol, smoking, obesity, personal history of polyps, hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC), familial Adenomatous polyposis, inflammatory bowel disease, and physical inactivity (Cagir, 2015). It is essential to understand the anatomy and physiology of the colon and rectum in order to understand the disease itself and the treatment it depends on

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Loss of Freedom Through Apathy Essay Example For Students

Loss of Freedom Through Apathy Essay Loss of Freedom Through ApathyWe do have freedom in this country but we simply choose to ignore it. We livein a democracy, the most just kind of government, where we the people holdsupreme power. It is an institution that is a culmination of revolutions, wars,philosophies and heroes. It is the greatest and proudest government in theworld. One reason for this is that Americans have a right citizens of Iraq andChina and North Korea only dreamed they could have. It took one of the greatestmilitary epics in history for our Founding Fathers to receive this right. Ittook the marching of thousands for women to achieve this right. It took 400years of abuse for blacks to finally to win this right. It is the highest andpurest form of freedom of speech and as Americans it is our single most powerfulinstrument of self government. It is the American vote and in this Presidentialelection it is a right 250 million chose to ignore. This year I had the great opportunity to volunteer my services to the Democraticparty. I was excited to work for the Democrats because it was my first everexperience involved with the election. For 17 years I stood as a commonbystander to this great American tradition. Volunteering my hours made me feellike I was part of something important. Mostly my work consisted of random polling. I would call people up between thehours of 7 and 9 P.M. and ask them a few questions about the election. Withevery call I hoped for the best, but it seemed that I was calling people at thetime they were most irritable. Most would simply hang up, leaving with a politeOh, Im not interested. Others acted militantly to my calling, slamming thephone in disgust. It startled and in a way disheartened me, the way many of thepeople I polled seemed totally apathetic to the political world around us. Tome, spending a minute answering questions about the future of politics did notseem like too much to ask at all. Yet it continued. Hello Im calling on behalf of your congressman Bob Toricelli. Id like to aska few questions.Im sorry Im really busy right now. I cant talk. *clickHello Im calling on behalf of your congressman Bob Toricelli. Id like to aska few questions.Not interested *clickHello Im calling on behalf of your congressman Bob Toricelli. Id like to aska few questions.Im tired of hearing about this election. *clickIf I was calling from a telephone company or some other corporate monsterdisturbing people with their propaganda, I could understand how their sheerrudeness could be justified. But I am not calling on behalf of some annoyingtelemarketing scheme. I am an eager high school student with a freshinfatuation with politics. I am polling people about the leader of tomorrow,who will directly affect the taxes they spend, the wars they go into, and themoral values that they seem to hold so dear. To take a minute did not seem likea lot. In this past election over 52% of the population eligible to vote did not. Manydont find anything particularly wrong with this. Their logic being that halfof the nation voting would be just as effective as the entire nation. Theproblem with this reasoning is that some groups in America vote in largernumbers than other groups. Take for example the elderly in this country. It has been well documented thatsenior citizens above 60 have the highest voter turn-out of any age group inthis country. Both Presidential candidates this year have appealed strongly formedical reforms with this group especially in mind. For Politicians this is thegroup that can make or break their election hopes. They will do whatever ittakes to please this group, even if it means stepping all over another group toplease them. .u6114c98ffb27a41136fbac8157028da0 , .u6114c98ffb27a41136fbac8157028da0 .postImageUrl , .u6114c98ffb27a41136fbac8157028da0 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u6114c98ffb27a41136fbac8157028da0 , .u6114c98ffb27a41136fbac8157028da0:hover , .u6114c98ffb27a41136fbac8157028da0:visited , .u6114c98ffb27a41136fbac8157028da0:active { border:0!important; } .u6114c98ffb27a41136fbac8157028da0 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u6114c98ffb27a41136fbac8157028da0 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u6114c98ffb27a41136fbac8157028da0:active , .u6114c98ffb27a41136fbac8157028da0:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u6114c98ffb27a41136fbac8157028da0 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u6114c98ffb27a41136fbac8157028da0 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u6114c98ffb27a41136fbac8157028da0 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u6114c98ffb27a41136fbac8157028da0 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u6114c98ffb27a41136fbac8157028da0:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u6114c98ffb27a41136fbac8157028da0 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u6114c98ffb27a41136fbac8157028da0 .u6114c98ffb27a41136fbac8157028da0-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u6114c98ffb27a41136fbac8157028da0:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Naturalisitic observation EssayIn contrast the age bracket with the lowest voter turn-out are new votersbetween 20 and 29. This X generation of voters will have their rap musiccensored for being too explicit and their action films for being too violent. The Internet that this generation seems to embrace so dearly will be censoredby the telecommunications bill and its television programming will includelittle ratings on the top left of their screens. Politicians will have noproblem abusing the rights of this Generation X because simply put, they dontgo our and vote. In this way the government pays more attention to the elderly as compared to theyoung. They will care more about the trials and tribulations of the rich andmiddle-class rather than the suffering of the poor. They will support the N.R.A. with it s sinful operations because yes, each and every one of their 2.5 millionmembers vote. The vote determines who has the power in this country. It is notnecessarily the majority. It is those who are dedicated. America is the land of the free. Too many Americans take this for granted. Weare not a monarchy. We are not a communism. We are not a dictatorship. We area democracy and the people have the control. We are different from all theother types of government because the voices that govern us are our own. Butwhen 250 million do not vote, who has the right to say that we controlourselves? When half chooses to hold their mouths, who is to say that we arenot a nation of special interests who do not hold their mouths? We have freedom,but it is apathy that is taking it away from us. We have that control we simplydont use it.